
Chinese Americans United

Political Action Committee



Local  立足本地

After many of us have studied, lived, worked, and raised families in Oregon for decades, this beautiful place starts to feel like the second hometown. We watched the decline of this great state in the past few years and decided we need to do something about it. Forming the Chinese Americans United Political Action Committee (CAU PAC) is our very first step. We truly believe that we can make a real difference when we combine our voices, participate in elections proactively, and engage with the state and local governments. And we also remember the old Chinese saying "without taking small steps, one cannot achieve great things".

当我们多年以来在俄勒冈州学习,生活,工作和养育子女之后,这个美丽的地方逐渐成为我们心中的第二故乡。在过去的短短几年,我们亲眼目睹了波特兰及俄勒冈的衰落,开始觉得需要做点什么。组织成立华人参政会(CAU PAC)是我们迈出的第一步。我们坚信,如果我们共同发声,积极参政,并与各级地方政府用心合作,可以带来实而持久的改善。我们铭记,"不积跬步,无以至千里"。

Grassroots  源自草根

We are your neighbors, co-workers, pickleball partners, and realtors. Just like you, many of us have a busy schedule with full time jobs, demanding kids, and mounting bills. Just like you, sometimes we get frustrated or even angry by certain news or a social media post. Just like you, we often feel there is very little we can do to change the status quo individually. But we still have confidence in the participatory democracy we live in. We work hard to combine all the tiny voices from each of us into a loud voice that cannot be ignored or suppressed. 


Community  动员社区

There are 61,573 ethnic Chinese people live in Oregon according to AAPI Data (PDF). The number may not be sufficient to determine local election results but is certainly large enough to have a strong influence. As a non-profit and nonpartisan organization that expects and respects different political views, we'd like to unite our voting power and focus our efforts on solving real issues that matter the most to our community.

根据 AAPI数据(PDF文件),俄勒冈州有61,573名华裔居民。这个数字可能不足以决定地方选举结果,但足以产生强大的影响力。作为一个非营利性、无党派的组织,我们期待并尊重不同的政治观点,我们希望团结我们的选举力量,集中精力解决我们社区最关切的实际问题。